Host Africa

Thursday, 28 August 2014

A program is trying to send an e-mail message on your behalf

A program is trying to send an e-mail message on your behalf. If this is unexpected, click Deny and verify your antivirus software is up-to-date.

Trust Center Settings

Since Outlook 2007, no security prompts will be shown when you have a virus scanner installed which reports its status to Windows and reports its status as “Valid”.
  • Outlook 2007
    Tools-> Trust Center…-> Programmatic Access
  • Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013
    File-> Options-> Trust Center-> Trust Center Settings…-> Programmatic Access
Programmatic Access Security - greyed out - Warn me about suspicious activity when my antivirus software is inactive or out of date (recommended) - Always warn me about suspcious activity - Never warn me about suspicious activity (not recommended)
In this configuration, you shouldn’t get any security prompts. The greyed out settings can only be changed when you start Outlook with administrative privileges.
The greyed out settings above determine whether or not a prompt is being shown. The default setting is: Warn me about suspicious activity when my antivirus software is inactive or out-of-date (recommended)
This means that a security prompt is only triggered when your antivirus status is reported as “Invalid”.
The other 2 options either always show or never show security prompts regardless of the antivirus status.
As the settings are greyed out, you can only change them when you start Outlook with administrator privileges. You can do this from the context menu that you get when you hold the SHIFT button while right clicking on the Outlook shortcut button in Taskbar while Outlook is closed. For other methods and detailed instructions with screenshots see:

Group Policy and Registry settings

Group Policy Editor buttonWithin a domain, an administrator can deploy the Programmatic Access Security settings via Group Policies to prevent the security prompts from ever showing up.
For this, the following options should then be set:
  • Configure Outlook to use Group Policy Security settings
    Administrative Templates-> Microsoft Outlook <version>-> Security-> Security Form Settings-> option: Outlook Security mode-> setting: Use Outlook Security Group Policy
  • Set the Guard Behavior to Automatically Approve for each prompt
    Administrative Templates-> Microsoft Outlook <version>-> Security-> Security Form Settings-> Programmatic Security
This results in the following Registry keys being set:
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\<version>\Outlook\Security
Value name: AdminSecurityMode
Value type: REG_DWORD
Value: 3
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\<version>\Outlook\Security
Value name: PromptOOMSend
Value name: PromptOOMAddressBookAccess
Value name: PromptOOMAddressInformationAccess
Value name: PromptOOMMeetingTaskRequestResponse
Value name: PromptOOMSaveAs
Value name: PromptOOMFormulaAccess
Value name: PromptSimpleMAPISend
Value name: PromptSimpleMAPINameResolve
Value name: PromptSimpleMAPIOpenMessageValue type: REG_DWORD
Value: 2
You’ll find Registry files to disable all the Programmatic Security prompts for Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013 in the download below for use in non-domain environments.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Folder Redirection/Sync Breaking on many machines

I can confirm that the Lenovo application "Rapidboot" was the cause of the Offline files issue. Uninstalling Rapidboot immediately resolved the issue. The Sync Center icon now appears as it should, and there are Sync Partnerships again.
Now to develop a script that uninstalls Lenovo Rapidboot from every Corporate machine

Friday, 8 August 2014

Fix for Adobe Reader X spiking CPU and AcroRd32.exe process not closing properly

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\IPM]

See more at: